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TheVisit - Directed by Victor Maog - Lights by Alan McEwen - Costumes by Mary McClung - WVU School of Theatre & Dance - 2012
TheVisit - Directed by Victor Maog - Lights by Alan McEwen - Costumes by Mary McClung - WVU School of Theatre & Dance - 2012
TheVisit - Directed by Victor Maog - Lights by Alan McEwen - Costumes by Mary McClung - WVU School of Theatre & Dance - 2012
The Eclectic Society - Directed by Ed Herendeen - Lights by Paul Black - Costumes by Colleen Grady
Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia - 2010
Set in a fraternity house on an east-coast ivy league college in 1963 the brothers interview a prospective member who is a little different from the average pledge. Society is changing, but too fast for some and too slow for others. Th set tried to capture this moment, the frat house breaks away to show an abstracted outside world.
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